Building Block View

Whitebox Overall System

Legacy detailed views
The future of this detailed content is undecided...

Building Block | Type/Context | Responsibility |
DescriptionLookup | Lookups | Lookup client descriptions from a variety of sources |
RepoLinker | Response | Creates links to Repository Entity concepts |

Building Block | Type/Context | Responsibility |
RepoLinker | Response | Creates links to Repository Entity concepts |

Building Block | Type/Context | Responsibility |
SettingsArray | Config | WikibaseClient settings containing meta information |

Building Block | Type/Context | Responsibility |
EntityIdLookup | Lookups | Lookup EntityIds from Titles |
TermBuffer | Lookups | Lookup buffered Terms |
AliasTermBuffer | Lookups | Lookup buffered Aliases |
RepoLinker | Response | Creates links to Repository Entity concepts |

Building Block | Type/Context | Responsibility |
Deserializer (Reference) | Input | Get Reference objects from user input |
ReferenceFormatter | Format Reference | Format Reference as wikitext |
Parser | Output | Parse Reference wikitext and output HTML |
Entity Data Access

Building Block | Responsibility |
Shared | Services shared between multiple types of entity data access (lookups, formatters, utilities) |
ParserFunctions | MediaWiki parser function binding for entity data access |
Scribunto | Scribunto extension binding for entity data access |
Shared (Entity Data Access)

Building Block | Responsibility |
SnakFormatter | Formats Snaks in a client context |
ReferenceFormatter | Formats references in a client context |
StatementTransclusionInteractor | Renders the main snaks associated with a given Property on an Entity |
EntityTitleLookup | Resolves a specific sitelink on a specific Item to a Title |
PropertyIdResolver | Resolves a PropertyId from input which could be a Label or prefixed ID |
SnaksFinder | Find Snaks for claims in a given Entity, based on PropertyId |

Building Block | Responsibility |
Runner | Contains the methods called by MediaWiki when parser functions are used |
StatementGroupRenderer | Renderer for rendering a statement group |

Building Block | Responsibility |
TermLookup | Lookup terms of Entities for use in LUA |
Scribunto_LuaLibraryBase | Registers and defined methods called by the Scribunto extension |
LanguageDependentLuaBindings | Actual implementations of various functions that can be accessed through Scribunto. |
LanguageIndependentLuaBindings | Actual implementations of various functions that can be accessed through Scribunto. |
LuaEntityBindings | Actual implementations of various functions that can be accessed through Scribunto. |
SnakSerializationRenderer | Renders snaks for LUA |
EntityAccessor | Miscellaneous functionality for exposing Entities through LUA |
LuaFunctionCallTracker | Helper for tracking accesses of Lua functions |
Entity Change Notifications

Building Block | Responsibility |
Changes | Receive and handle regular Repository Entity Data changes |
ChangeModifications | Receive and handle changes to the history of Repository Entities |
RecentChanges | Represent changes to Repository Entities in a Client RecentChanges system |
Usage | Tracking the usage of Repository Entities on a Client |

Building Block | Responsibility |
AffectedPagesFinder | Finds PageEntityUsages that are affected by a Change |
ChangeHandler | Handles EntityChanges |
ChangeRunCoalescer | A transformer for lists of EntityChanges that combines runs of changes into a single change |
InjectRCRecordsJob | Persists RecentChanges entries |
PageUpdater | Triggers various updates needed when pages will change |
Change Modifications

Building Block | Responsibility |
ChangeModificationNotificationJob | Base for handling Entity Revision changes |
ChangeDeletionNotificationJob | Handles Repository Entity Revision Deletions |
ChangeVisibilityNotificationJob | Handles Repository Entity Revision Visibility Changes |
Recent Changes

Building Block | Responsibility |
RecentChangesFinder | Find RecentChange entries based on their meta data |
ExtenalChange | Data object representing a revision that has changed an Entity on an external site |
RevisionData | Data object representing a revision on an external site |
ChangeLineFormatter | Formats and ExternalChange as HTML |
SiteLinkCommentCreator | Deals with creating comment infomation relating to SiteLink changes |

UsageAspectTransformer is only used outside of this block and perhaps shouldn't live here
Building Block | Responsibility |
UsageLookup | Find EntityUsages for pages |
EntityUsage | Data object representing the usage of an Entity (but not identifying where it is used) |
PageEntityUsages | Data object associating a EntityUsage with a Page ID |
UsageAccumulator | Interface allowing accumulation of usage tracking information for a given page |
UsageTrackingSnakFormatter | SnakFormatter implementation that will accumulate usage in a UsageAccumulator |
UsageTrackingLanguageFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup | LanguageFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup implementation that will accumulate usage in a UsageAccumulator |
UsageDeduplicator | De-duplicates entity usage listsfor performance and storage reasons |
SubscriptionManager | Persists infomation about pages being "subscribed" to updates for an Entity |
UsageTracker | Persists infomation about the EntityUsages of a page |
UsageAspectTransformer | Transforms usage aspect based on a filter of aspects relevant in some context. |
BulkSubscriptionUpdater | Bulk inserts for subscriptions into wb_changes_subscription based on wbc_entity_usage. |
AddUsagesForPageJob | Job for scheduled invocation of UsageUpdater which is triggered by a MediaWiki hook related to Wikitext-based content edits. |
UsageUpdater | Service for updating usage tracking and associated change subscription information. |
populateEntityUsage | Maintenance script for populating wbc_entity_usage based on the page_props table. |
updateSubscriptions | Maintenance script for inserting subscriptions into wb_changes_subscription based on wbc_entity_usage. |

Building Block | Responsibility |
UpdateRepo | Update the repository after certain changes have been performed in the client |
UpdateRepoOnDelete | Update the repository after page deletes in the client |
UpdateRepoOnMove | Update the repository after page moves in the client |
Data Bridge
Data Bridge is a frontend component enabling Repository edits on the Client via the Repository API.

Building Block | Responsibility |
Data Access | A group of classes and interfaces for interacting with WikibaseRepo data and MediaWiki functionality |
Presentation | UI components for presentation |
Store | State management of the UI components |
MediaWiki | Logic that has to do with Data Bridge attaching itself in the right places on the wiki article |
ChangeOp | Strategies for applying changes (update or replace) to the entity |
Tracking | Tracking data bridge usage and errors |
Data Access

Building Block | Responsibility |
Errors | Provide context about errors that might occur in Data Bridge. The native Error TypeScript class is used |
ApiErrors | Error returned from the Repo API |
Other Errors | Error that may occur in Data Bridge and are not related to the API, e.g. an error on saving |
Repo API | Implementations of WikibaseRepo API requests |
Reading API | Implementations of WikibaseRepo API requests that have to do with reading from repository |
Writing API | Implementations of WikibaseRepo API requests that have to do with writing to repository |
ApiEntityLabelRepository | A repository to get the label of specific entity in a specific language |
ApiPageEditPermissionErrorsRepository | A repository for determining potential permission errors when editing a page. |
ApiPropertyDataTypeRepository | A repository to get the datatype of a property |
ApiRenderReferencesRepository | A repository to render reference JSON blobs into HTML strings |
ApiReadingEntityRepository | A repository for reading the latest revision of an entity. |
ApiRepoConfigRepository | A repository to get the configuration from the Wikibase repository instance where the data is going to be saved |
ApiWritingRepository | Saves the modified entity |
CombiningPermissionsRepository | A repository for determining potential permission errors when using the Data Bridge |
TrimmingWritingRepository | A WritingEntityRepository that compares the old and new entity data and sends parts that changed to an underlying ApiWritingRepository |
SpecialPageReadingEntityRepository | A repository for reading the latest revision of an entity |

Building Block | Responsibility |
UI Components | All presentational components that construct Data Bridge's modal and its contents |
Plugins and Utilities | Logic which is common for several components, e.g. representing messages from mw's i18n mechanism |
Error Components | Front end components that represent an error which occurred in Data Bridge |
Call To Action Components | Front end components that require an action from the user |
Base components | Purely presentational components, e.g. a button. Those components will be replaced by Design System components in the future. |
Messages | A wrapper around MediaWiki's i18n mechanism |
ClientRouter | Format page urls for client |
RepoRouter | Format page urls for a repository |
BridgeConfig | Configuration needed in some UI components, e.g. the link for reporting issues with data bridge |

Building Block | Responsibility |
Dispatcher | Dispatches Data Bridge to the appropriate DOM element in the wiki article |
BridgeDomElementSelector | Selects elements in a wiki article's DOM that can be overloaded with Data Bridge |
SelectedElement | An interface which describes a DOM element to which Data Bridge is dispatched |
subscribeToEvents | Actions taken on the wiki page when certain data bridge events occur. E.g. reload the page when the data bridge edit is saved |
prepareContainer | Creates a container element based on OO.ui.Dialog in which Data Bridge is placed on the wiki page |
EventTracker | An abstraction layer for MediaWiki's event tracker |

Building Block | Responsibility |
ReplaceMutationStrategy | Strategy for replacing a statement |
StatementMutationStrategy | Interface for a statement mutation strategy |
UpdateMutationStrategy | Strategy for updating a statement |
StatementMutationError | Represents an error that can occur when mutating a statement |
StatementMutationFactory | Chooses the right mutation strategy based on the edit decision (replace or update) |
Special Pages

Building Block | Type/Context | Responsibility |
Special Pages | WikibaseClient | Provide entity usage meta information |
SpecialEntityUsage | WikibaseClient | Lists client wiki pages that use a given entity ID and the aspects they use |
SpecialPagesWithBadges | WikibaseClient | Shows a list of pages with a given badge |
SpecialUnconnectedPages | WikibaseClient | Lists client pages that are not connected to repository items |

Building Block | Responsibility |
populateInterwiki | Maintenance script that populates the interwiki table in the client's MediaWiki DB with list of sites |